Food Oral Immunotherapy

What is Food Oral Immunotherapy (Food OIT)? Food OIT is the administration of small, gradually increasing doses of the specific food that you/your child are allergic to, with the aim to increase the amount of food (threshold) that you can tolerate. This process is...

Environmental Allergies

A board-certified or board –eligible allergist can help define for you what may be bothering you and thus help you make your plans for your season. Staying indoors with the doors and windows closed is the easiest but often the most inconvenient. Your allergist can...

Allergic Skin Reactions

  Allergic Skin Reactions       Most people recognize that poison ivy causes an itchy rash in people who are allergic to poison ivy, oak, or sumac, but this type of contact dermatitis is only a small example of the type of allergic skin reactions...

Urticaria: When a Patient Gets Hives

This is one of the most common skin diseases among individuals with allergic rhinitis (“hay fever”) and asthma. This condition is sometimes referred to as “atopic eczema” or simply “eczema”. Actually, the word eczema describes various kinds of dermatitis (inflamed...

Allergic Skin Disease: Atopic Dermatitis

This is one of the most common skin diseases among individuals with allergic rhinitis (“hay fever”) and asthma. This condition is sometimes referred to as “atopic eczema” or simply “eczema”. Actually, the word eczema describes various kinds of dermatitis (inflamed...

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, is swelling or inflammation of the nasal passages, which occurs after breathing in pollen, mold, dust or pet dander to which one may be allergic. Allergic rhinitis affects 40 to 50 million people in the United States and may...